Technical Bulletins

Our world class publications  (Technical Bulletins and Information Guides)

Technical Bulletin #2: CO2 Metal cutting lasersDownload
Technical Bulletin #3: Earthing your equipmentDownload
Technical Bulletin #4: CO2 Laser Lens CharacteristicsDownload
Technical Bulletin #5: Engraving Glass & MirrorsDownload
Technical Bulletin #6: Fiber laser engraving settingsDownload
Technical Bulletin #7: Waterjet BasicsDownload
Technical Bulletin #8: RDWorks / Laserwork rotary attachment guideDownload
Technical Bulletin #9: Choosing your focus lens for depthDownload
Technical Bulletin #10: Safety & cleanliness of your laserDownload
Technical Bulletin #12: Taking care of your Lens and MirrorsDownload
Technical Bulletin #11: Before claiming a replacement tube under warrantyDownload
Technical Bulletin #13: Gases Galore (or how do CO2 lasers work?)Download
Technical Bulletin #14: Setting up your HQ WIFI connectionDownload
Technical Bulletin #15: MOPA Fiber LasersDownload
Technical Bulletin #16: Lenses and KerfDownload
Technical Bulletin #17: Setting up a CW 5000 / 5200 ChillerDownload
Technical Bulletin #18: Surviving Eskom's Load-shedding - GeneratorsDownload
Technical Bulletin #21: How to send directly to RDWorks from CorelDrawDownload
Technical Bulletin #19: Bitmaps and VectorsDownload
Technical Bulletin #31: PlywoodDownload
Technical Bulletin #32: More on how lenses work & physics of light made simpleDownload
Technical Bulletin #20: The Importance of Laser Operator TrainingDownload
Technical Bulletin #22: Squaring a quadrilateralDownload
Technical Bulletin #23: Vacuums can be good (Keeping your machine clean)Download
Technical Bulletin #24: Through the looking glass (Clean your fiber engraver's lens)Download
Technical Bulletin #25: Cutting and engraving with acrylicsDownload
Technical Bulletin #27: Fiber Engraver vs Fiber CutterDownload
Technical Bulletin #28: Hair of the dog (Keeping your water cooling system clean)Download
Technical Bulletin #30: Power Surges and MoreDownload
Technical Bulletin #33: Water pumps and cooling your laser tubeDownload
Technical Bulletin #34: Looking after your eyesDownload
Technical Bulletin #29: What water to use?Download
Technical Bulletin #1: Glass Tube CO2 LasersDownload
Technical Bulletin # 35: Extending (or not) your machine’s reachDownload
Technical Bulletin # 36: When 600mm is not 600mmDownload
Technical Bulletin # 39: Fiber laser cutting with compressed air. Is it practical?Download
Technical Bulletin # 37: Keeping your tube coolDownload
Technical Bulletin # 26: Safety in the laser workplaceDownload
Technical Bulletin # 38: Power for your home or home office for less than ten grandDownload
Condensation 40: Condensation issues with glass tubes - especially in SummerDownload