Longterm Shutdown Procedures_Colour Printers

What you need to do during the December/January Shutdown Period

18 November 2022

Longterm Shutdown Procedures, Printer Inactivity Guidelines and how to recover from a Shutdown

We understand that towards December most companies shutdown their printers for extended periods of time. The shutdown period is normally between mid-December and early January the following year.

To protect the sensitive components and reduce the risk of component damage a long term storage procedure will need to be followed. The procedure will differ dependent upon which printer model and the duration of desired shutdown.

0-7 Days:
Do your normal daily maintenance procedure and try to print a test print every second day.
7-14 Days:
Our recommendation is that you request a call out from us to send a technician who will properly decommission your machine. The procedure normally entails the following

1.    Flushing of the printer head
2.    Flushing the head cap and pump
3.    Cleaning the rubber lining on the head cap
4.    Covering and securing the dampers etc.

The purpose for this is to try and avoid the stagnant/idle ink in the head or any other component to dry up.
After the shutdown we recommend you call us out to come and recommission and recalibrate the printer for you.


Larry Rutanhira
(Colour Machines Product Specialist)

